AIC's 43rd Annual Meeting has ended

Karla Castillo Leyva

National School of Conservation, Restoration and Museography
Mexico City , Mexico
Karla Castillo was born in Mexico City on 1989. In 2013 she graduated from the National School of Conservation, Restoration and Museography (ENCRyM is the acronym in Spanish). In 2014 she worked on the third season of the restoration project of the photographic collection of Frida Kahlo’s Museum, under the coordination of Liliana Davila Lorenzana. Karla is currently part of the teaching staff of the Seminar-Workshop of Textile Conservation, course of the third semester’s curriculum of the ENCRyM’s Degree on Restoration, and at the same time she is working on the thesis entitled: “Ecological Alternative for dry cleaning of historic textiles of protein origin” to obtain the Degree on Conservation of Movable Heritage Assets.